Tham khảo Dấu chấm dôi

  1. Gardner Read, Music Notation: A Manual of Modern Practice. Ấn bản 2. Boston: Allyn & Bacon (1969): 114, Ví dụ 8-11; 116, ví dụ 8-18; 117, ví dụ 8-20.
  2. Bussler, Ludwig (1890). Elements of Notation and Harmony, tr. 14. Ấn bản 2010: ISBN 1-152-45236-3.
  3. “Extremes of Conventional Music Notation - Introduction”. 
  4. Glen Rosencrans, Music Notation Primer. New York: Passantino (1979): 29
  5. Ted Ross. Teach Yourself The Art of Music Engraving & Processing Hansen Books, Florida.
  6. Read (1969): 119; 120, ví dụ 8-28. Tác giả chỉ rõ sự thật rằng "có thể dùng dấu nối để nối các dấu lặng".
  7. Read (1969): 117–118. Trích đoạn: "Ranging from Renaissance madrigals to the keyboard works of Johannes Brahms, one often finds such a notation as the one at the left below." (The next page shows an example labeled "older notation" of two measures of music in 4/4 of which the second measure contains, in order: an augmentation dot, a quarter note and a half note.
  8. Taylor, Eric (2011). The AB Guide to Music Theory Part I. ABRSM. tr. 18. ISBN 978-1-85472-446-5